OPENING: 29/01/2025
Landscape of Absence presents imaginary realms of a future world in which humanity, as a distinct biological entity, has vanished—yet traces of its presence continue to permeate surrounding ecosystems and remnants of technological infrastructures. This moment, when the human species has failed in its role as a sustainable steward of the planet, marks the starting point for exploring new metamorphoses of the universe. The exhibition project draws on the concept of posthumanism and is inspired by reflections on transcending the boundaries between humans, animals, machines, and natural processes. In the context of this so-called “landscape of absence,” all traditional dichotomies—nature versus culture, organic versus artificial—dissolve into hybrid forms of existence, where biological and synthetic structures blend seamlessly.
The possibility of transforming our planet in the more or less distant future and turning toward a post-human environment influences contemporary artists, who in their projects reflect on the relationship among a rapidly transforming technological world, society, and ecosystems that are losing their stability in today’s world. Through experimental installations employing unconventional media and materials, they critically highlight the ecological, social, and technological aspects of our time.
In the “landscape of absence,” natural and technological elements converge into new organic structures that are simultaneously resilient and fragile. Here, art functions both as a tool of imagination and a warning, serving as a catalyst for speculations about a future in which the human perspective loses its former importance and ceases to be the measure of value and meaning. The exhibition opens a space for contemplating a new world order in which—ironically—humanity endures solely as fragments of thought, with no receiver left to interpret them, and as an inconsequential original creator of materials claimed by nature in its “new” existence. This vision of the future provides visitors with a view into the past and present, prompting questions about their interconnectedness and the possibility of diverting the end.
Artists: Kryštof Brůha, Mark Dorf, Lenka Glisníková, Šimon Chovan, Inside Job (Ula Lucińska & Michał Knychaus), Andrea Mikyska, Natália Sýkorová, Stanislav Zábrodský
Curators: Ján Gajdušek, Tereza Havlovicová
Graphic Design: Andrea Mikyska, Jakub Kučera
Architecture: Sofie Gjuričová, Adam Rýznar
Production: Nikol Hoangová