© Image taken from: https://www.accea.info/

Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art (ACCEA or “NPAK”)

The “Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art” (ACCEA or “NPAK” in Armenian acronym) is a Non-Governmental Organization operating in Yerevan and New York.
ACCEA/NPAK activities, which in 1992 started with one group exhibition per year, very soon grew into an active and vibrant art center with annually more than 20 events.
The Center is a unique phenomenon of its kind in the entire Southern Caucasus region.
ACCEA started its activities at a centrally located rented space in 1996, which, later, on February 22, 2002, by a Decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, was provided to ACCEA free of charge and for unlimited period.
The physical facility was formally inaugurated on April 25, 1996, with a group exhibition of Armenian avant-garde artists, symbolically celebrating the resurrection of the Armenian nation.
In 1995 ACCEA and NPAK were concurrently incorporated as a non-profit, 501(c3) organization in New York, and Charitable Foundation in Yerevan, respectively.
